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Saturday, May 25, 2013

This is maiz story on the Acapulco tortillas in ELA.

Es quienes somos. Es de donde vinimos y de lo que estamos hechos.
Es nuestro sustento sagrado. Forma parte de nuestra memoria antigua de más de 7,000 años a las Américas. Es lo que nos conecta con nuestra madre tierra.

Centli: Nin tujuan. Nin kampa tihualehua uan ekatechijke. Nin techyoltilitika. Tuan kanin toueuenemiliz. Ojkachi nin 7000 xijme ipan América. Ijua nin tech  nelua kanin tonantzin tlalli.  (traduccion: Paula Domingo Olivares, Cuentepec, Morelos)

Maíz: it is who we are. It is where we come from and what we are made of. It is our sacred sustenance. It forms part of our ancient memory that goes back 7,000 years to this very continent. It is what connects us to our Mother Earth. 

Dr. Cintli - University of Arizona

* Currently, it is on spinach, tomato, garlic and habanero tortillas. Soon on the Tlaxcalli or maiz tortillas themselves.

When my book: Nin Toanantzin Non Centeotl i- Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother is published (UA Press, Spring 2014), Acapulco Tortielleria will have a book signing and maiz festival at its loction in ELA on May 3rd (Huentil de Mayo) - the traditional day that maiz is celebrated (Spanish priests changed this day to Dia de la Santa Cruz).

Thursday, May 16, 2013

In Guatemala: Precedent for Abya Yalla?


Guatemala Genocide Conviction Should Prompt More Just Vision for American Continent

By Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, Truthout | Op-Ed
Throughout the duration of the Ríos Montt dictatorship, his regime was the bloodiest on the American continent. Why did the world permit his brutality, and why did it take more than 30 years to successfully prosecute him? His genocidal campaigns, in full view to the world, were committed in real time. The simple answer is the actions - and inactions - of US President Ronald Reagan, the man who provided cover for every tin-pot dictator on the continent. A better answer is the preeminence of "America," with its mythological foundation and narrative.

Rios Montt -

For the rest of the column, go to:

Rodriguez can be reached at:

Saturday, May 4, 2013