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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Fighting Law Enforcement Brutality While Living with Trauma in a World of Impunity

Fighting Law Enforcement Brutality While Living with Trauma in a World of Impunity

A few months ago, I was asked to do a piece on what it is like to live with intergenerational trauma, for a special issue of the Genealogy Journal, on Indigenous peoples and intergenerational trauma. Here is the essay:  Fighting Law Enforcement Brutality While Living with Trauma in a World of Impunity

Friday, September 14, 2018



The fundraising campaign continues. The Raza Studies struggle in Arizona produced many narratives. One rarely heard was the role of the young women - from middle school students (who got arrested May 12, 2010, along with 11 others, mostly students) to high school and college students who took over the school board (April 26, 2011) to May 3, 2011, when many were beaten, including two women Brown Beret members, plus 7 women, including elders, who were also arrested at the highly militarized meeting that evening. They are being recognized at the UA Women's Plaza of Honor. Please support this campaign. Kim Dominguez was first recognized by feminist icon, Margaret Randall, several years ago for her role in this struggle. Within the past year, several more have been recognized. Another dozen awaits to be honored. More may be honored later. Here is one story re the Raza Studies struggle:…/it-s-time-for-arizona-s-school-board… For questions, comments, concerns? Please email: Kim Dominguez Here is the fundraising website for the MAS WOMEN'S PLAZA HONOREES:

The Maya-Maiz Living Roots Raza Studies Conference (Spring 2019)

Please support Spring 2019 Maya-Maiz Living Roots Raza Studies Conference at the University of Arizona! This is the active link here:

Friday, August 17, 2018

A call out to the current occupant of the White House

A call out to the current occupant of the White House By Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez August 16, 2018 After being under relentless assault by the current president for some 3 years, on August 16th, the nation’s mainstream media – its opinion writers – are finally striking back. On this day, some 100 of the nation’s leading newspapers are set to publish columns in defense of the 1st Amendment, and against his continued calls to censorship and violence against the press. When a would-be dictator dehumanizes community after community, and also the press, it is good to see the media fight back. Aside from being a professor, as a life-long member of the media, this is my way of weighing in. Here, I asked mostly red-black-brown friends and colleagues from across the country, to not simply take part in this defense, but to also present, in the form of a call out, his v. our worldviews. To the current occupant in the White House: You believe that misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and white supremacy are the true ideals of this nation. We believe that all people are full human beings, entitled to full corresponding human rights. You believe that you must Make America Great Again. We believe that the lands of our ancestors have always been sacred (Michael Yellowbird, Dir. Tribal and Indigenous Peoples Studies, N Dakota State Univ.). ---- You believe the earth is to be plundered by humans. We believe the earth is sacred and alive (Dulcinea Lara, U of New Mexico). 

Friday, July 27, 2018


A few weeks ago, Truthout published a shorter and different version of this story under a different name. Here is the original and longer version, with the original opening. A few of the comments that had been omitted are found here. This is done in the spirit of the many hundreds of children who remain separated and or detained with their families:

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Those Impacted by Colonialism Speak Out on the US’s Legacy of Family Separation

Those crying children, separated from their parents and detained for crossing the US border, are part of the original peoples of this continent. They symbolize all of the children that have been ripped away from their mothers’ arms since the era of colonialism.
To be sure, Donald Trump is doing what the US has always done best: destroying and dehumanizing nations and peoples; destroying lives and peddling pseudo-religious-politico providential narratives. However, this time, it is the US itself that is imploding and being slowly destroyed by a would-be dictator and a spineless and complicit Congress.
On this continent, the crisis at the border began in 1492, and there is a direct line that begins with genocide, theft of a continent, theft of bodies, souls and even identities — all of which resulted in the destruction and enslavement of many peoples and cultures in many countries.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Tucson Skirts International Law in Refusing to Reinstate Mexican American Studies

The Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) school board recently defended its decision to not re-implement the highly successful Mexican American Studies (MAS) program after Arizona’s 2010 HB 2281 legislation essentially banned the subject from the district’s schools.
The majority of the board contends that the district’s new “Culturally Relevant Curriculum” (CRC), introduced after 2012, is essentially the same as the terminated Mexican American Studies curriculum.
Their argument, however, neglects the fact that A.Wallace Tashima, a US federal judge for the District of Arizona, found HB 2281 unconstitutional in 2017, ruling the legislation was motivated by racial animus when then-Gov. Jan Brewer signed it into law eight years ago. It also neglects the fact that State Superintendent Diane Douglas said that the state would abide by the decision. Despite this, TUSD officials still refuse to reintroduce Mexican American Studies.
For the rest of the column, please go to:

Thursday, May 31, 2018


(posted by XicaMedia)

The above is the longer version of a recent piece I wrote for Truthout's Public Intellectual Page. The piece was shortened and given a different title. The first part is pretty much the same and the second part expands on the relationship between law enforcement violence, racial profiling... and this topic of light-skin preference and the Smiling Brown Project. The primary reason for posting these articles/columns is to solicit more stories for the project. Thanks to all who have contributed thus far. Stories can be sent to or for more info, write to:

Earlier article here:

The first piece I wrote regarding the Smiling Brown Project is here:

To support the work of Xica Media networks, donations can be sent via:

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mexico's Color Line and the Cultural Imperialism of Light-Skin Preference

Truthout’s Public Intellectual Page
By Robeeto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez

The color of the people of Mexico is one of the things that had a most profound effect on my psyche when I first visited the place of my birth in 1976 at the age of 22. The people came in all colors, though primarily different shades of red-brown, owing to the nation's Indigenous roots.

Having grown up in a white-dominant society, it was an affirmation of my own brown skin color, in sharp contrast with the artificial color of official Mexico. I was used to seeing government bureaucrats and those that graced the nation's television screens with light skin, bleached blond hair and artificial blue or green eyes.

The truth is, more than 40 years later, the nation's color line has seemingly not changed much at all. For the rest of the column, go to:

This story on color and color consciousness is linked to the Smiling Brown Project. If you have a story on this topic, please send or contact me at:

* The original piece was a little longer and I will post a link to the longer article shortly.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Support the MAS Women's Plaza Honorees Campaign

As part of the Raza Studies continuing struggle, many of the mostly young women who took direct action, including: getting arrested after HB 2281 was signed in 2010; taking over the school board on April 26, 2011; and getting arrested at the highly militarized meeting on May 3, 2011, are being honored as part of the MAS Women's Plaza Honorees Campaign Project at the University of Arizona. Initially, some 2 dozen students, community members and elders are being honored with a brick in their name. Kim Dominguez, who herself has already been honored at the Plaza, is coordinating this campaign. Please contribute so their roles in history are not disappeared. About half the funds needed have already been raised! Donations are 100% tax deductible and there is no minimum. Just select N/A or Gift! THIS is precisely how you pass the mic and leverage your resources.

It's Time for Arizona's School Board to Implement a Court's 2017 Raza Studies Ruling in Good Faith

It's Time for Arizona's School Board to Implement a Court's 2017 Raza Studies Ruling in Good Faith
Despite a favorable 2017 court decision, the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) school board continues to refuse to abide by a historic ruling against the state of Arizona in regards to the 2010 legislation HB 2281. This Orwellian legislation outlawed the teaching of courses that promoted segregation or race hatred; it fined any Arizona school district that was found to be out of compliance 10 percent of its budget.

The court found that the state was motivated by racial animus in the passage of the anti-Ethnic studies proposition. Rather than abiding with the decision, other school board members are proposing Latino or Hispanic studies in place of Raza or Mexican American studies. FOR THE REST OF THE COLUMN, GO TO:…/it-s-time-for-arizona-s-school-board…
*** IMPORTANT NOTE: As part of this continuing struggle, many of the mostly young women who took direct action, including: getting arrested after HB 2281 was signed in 2010; taking over the school board on April 26, 2011; and getting arrested at the highly militarized meeting on May 3, 2011, are being honored as part of the MAS Women's Plaza Honorees Campaign Project at the University of Arizona. Initially, some 2 dozen students, community members and elders are being honored with a brick in their name. Kim Dominguez, who herself has already been honored at the Plaza, is coordinating this campaign. Please contribute so their roles in history are not disappeared. About half the funds needed have already been raised! Donations are 100% tax deductible and there is no minimum. Just select N/A or Gift! THIS is precisely how you pass the mic and leverage your resources.