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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Running With Our Hummingbird Named Consuelo

There’s nobody that I know that doesn’t like a hummingbird. That is especially true in Tucson. For many of us, the hummingbird signifies Consuelo Aguilar. For some, she is but a memory. For others, not even that. And yet, in Tucson, we run for her. We run with her. And on April 5th, we will run and walk for and with her again.

She represents all of what was right with Tucson several years ago. All that was good. And yet, something went wrong…  She was our soaring eagle… who prematurely transformed into our hummingbird… at least she remains with us… always, especially when we run.

Since she passed on Feb. 17, 2009, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. Actually, don’t know if this water metaphor works in Arizona. There’s no water here.