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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year’s Resolutions from the State of Arizona

A new sunrise

                                      New Year’s Resolutions from the State of Arizona:

#1 Force President Obama and Attorney General Holder to come to Arizona to visit Operation Streamline…. so that we can permanently shut it down, with or without the assistance or actions of the above: End this criminalization, dehumanization and for-profit scam!

#2 Force President Obama and Attorney General Holder to come to the border itself, including both, the killing fields and the militarized border walls. He needs to witness the effect of his own policies. Bring the Walls down!

#3 Continue to build irreversible movement for the administration cease its massive deportation policies: NiUnoMas!

#4 Shutdown Migra offices and private immigration detention centers often and everywhere around the country: If the President doesn’t halt the deportations, we will!

#5 Dismantle border patrol checkpoints and end immigration enforcement inside the mainline United States. It is time to quit treating the entire nation as a border zone and it is time to halt the practice of using the migra as hunter battalions throughout the country. Our backs are not the border!

#6 End all 287 (g) agreements, SECURE Communities, and any and all other agreements between the police and the migra. Abajo con la poli-migra!

#7 Have UN/OAS examine the killing and brutalizing of migrants with impunity along the U.S/Mexico border… and file crimes against humanity for all those responsible when and where appropriate.  All life is sacred.

#8 Decriminalize immigration. Any forthcoming immigration agreement should be international in scope and should respect all human rights treaties and conventions. Ningun ser humano es illegal.

#9 Have all scholarship foundations around the country follow the lead of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, which now accepts DREAM-DACA students: Exclusion is another word for Discrimination.

#10 Continue to build movement for the new Pope and the Catholic Church to revoke and renounce the Doctrine of Discovery; to cease its claim on this continent, its peoples and our souls. All this is but a prelude for not simply reparations, but the beginning of the process by which peoples everywhere are treated not simply as full human beings, but are afforded rights as full human beings: We cannot be illegal on our own continent.

#11 Get some more sleep this year and create more. We should not be spending all our time fighting and responding. Instead, we need to create the world we want to live in. Creer-Crear y Hacer

I would have made this a Christmas wish list, but I don’t believe in wishing. Instead, these are my New Year’s resolutions.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Petition Works: 37-Year Hispanic Scholarship Fund Dream Policy Overturned

Friday, 06 December 2013 11:04 By Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, Truthout | Opinion 

Thanks to all who signed the petition, inspired by the DREAM 9 and Scholarship A-Z.

Petition Works: 37-Year Hispanic Scholarship Fund Dream Policy Overturned

Something remarkable happened last month during the nation's immigration debate; while the president and Congress continued their prolonged stalemate, the board of directors of the national Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) voted to reverse its 37-year-old policy of excluding DREAM students from its scholarship programs.

This reversal is actually huge news, and it is action that did not require permission from Congress or the executive branch.

The HSF is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, that, since its founding in 1975, has disbursed more than $400 million to more than 1.5 million recipients. Up to this point, not one cent has ever been granted to a DREAM student.

The reason this reversal is huge news is that DREAM students have been held hostage unnecessarily by extreme right-wing forces who believe DREAMers do not belong in college and, worse, do not belong in this country altogether. These right wingers, who are actually a minority in this country, also are seemingly unaware that many of these students were brought here as infants or small children and are thus not guilty of anything.

For rest of column:

Rodriguez can be reached at: